Sat 04 Jan
█▒█ █▒█ BLond █▒█ █▒█ HeaTher █▒█ █▒█ -ReAdy At A MoMenTs NotiCe!! - 21
(South Bend, mishawaka,valporaso,south bend downtown)
Fri 03 Jan
317 -397- 4965[ ★]BIG SHOOTER$120[★] Website PROOF pic&VIDEO;[★]11XL thickK[★]Top[★] NO HORMONES [★ - 25
Cammy comes a lot! Taste the sweetest price of pie! Awesome reviews! - 28
(Hammond incall, South Bend)
***M!sS .. KaT... HeRe.. ThE.. BesT.. In.. The ***City.. ***Y o u D oN t w oNta M iS s Me !!*** - 21
(South Bend, Michigan City,)
★★_ *N_O_T_H_I_N_G* _ _*L_E_S_S*_ _*T_H_A_N*_ _*T_H_E*_ _*B_E_S_T*_ ★★ - 19
(South Bend, mish(surr))
Thu 02 Jan
Extra Busty white shemale Amber 38DDD visiting S. bend Wednesday the 30th! one night only! - 29
(South Bend)